Frequently Asked Question

Data Visualization - Google Maps
Last Updated 9 months ago

  • Google Maps
    • Step 1: Open your SiteTrax Data Spreadsheet as well as a Google My Maps.
    • Step 2: In Google My Maps, click the red button indicating "Create a New Map"
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    • Step 3: Click Import
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    • Step 4: Select Google Drive Tab and enter the URL of your SiteTrax Data Spreadsheet into the search bar at the top
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      • Select your SiteTrax Data Spreadsheet and click "Insert" buttonimage
    • Step 5: Select "gps_lat" and "gps_lon" from the list of columns to position your placemarks and assign them to Latitude and Longitude accordingly. (Pictures Below) Click Continue once you have done this.image
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    • Step 6: Select "Text" from the list of columns to title your markers. Once this is complete, click "Finish".
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    • Step 7: View the Data
      • You can now see the assets on the left side of your screen and click each one. You can also search each asset as shown in the image below. If you have any questions on how to further interact with the data, please call Netarus directly!
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