Frequently Asked Question

How to Properly Mount HoistCam Antenna Cables
Last Updated 5 years ago

Coaxial antenna cabling for HoistCam consists of a single copper conductor inside of a braided metal shield surrounded by a plastic outer layer that provides insulation to the cabling. The inner metal shield helps block interference, including electrical and signal, but coaxial cable is still susceptible to interference. When running coaxial antenna cables for HoistCam, it is important to keep interference to a minimum to avoid signal loss and data transmission issues.

Twist and Bends

When installing coaxial cable through wall cavities, tubing, along flooring and other areas, avoid twisting and bending the cable. This action can crush the inner components of the wire resulting in permanent damage. This damage leads to interference entering the components and causing signal and data loss. Pull the coaxial cable slowly and never bend it around a corner or radius smaller than three inches. If possible, solicit help when installing coaxial cable from a spindle of cabling — the other person can unroll the wire and ensure it is moving smoothly while you are installing the cabling through walls, tubing and other areas.

Coaxial Antenna Cable Types

Purchase and use quad-shield coaxial cabling to avoid interference from other devices. Quad-shield coaxial cable contains an extra inner metal shield that keeps electrical, radio and other types of interference out of the cable. Avoid purchasing inexpensive, thin cabling -- this type of coaxial cabling offers little interference protection. HoistCam is typically installed with LMR195, LMR400, LMR600 or equivalent.

Electrical Interference

To keep electrical interference from your coaxial antenna cabling, keep coaxial cables and coaxial cable splitters at least six inches from electrical cables. Electrical cables include television, appliance and computer power cables as well as any electrical wires in wall cavities. Electrical interference can also emit from communication wiring. If possible, use shielded wiring, if installing telephone wiring in a new home or remodel. If you must install coaxial cable close to electrical or telephone wiring, create a 90-degree angle that places the coaxial cable in a curve-like layout over the electrical or communication wiring.

Securing Coaxial Antenna Cabling

When securing coaxial cable, buy and use cable ties that will not crush the cable's inner components. Do not staple into the cabling with any type of fastener -- the metal fastener can cause interference to enter the cabling as well as damage the cabling's inner parts. Keeping the cable ties firmly secured to the cable. However, the looser the cable ties or fastener the better when securing coaxial cabling.

Do not place the cable ties in an even pattern along the cabling - especially when using wire or metal ties. The metal cable ties will become a conductor of interference and can lead to signal and data loss. Space the ties in a random pattern of a simple three-cable tie lyout: one at one end of the cabling, a a cable ties every 10ft and one at the end.


Keep HoistCam coaxial antenna (LMR195, LMR400 and LMR600) cables away from electrical cables. Electrical cables that run parallel with a coaxial cable can interfere with your signal. It's OK, however, to run coaxial cables perpendicular to electrical cables.

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