Frequently Asked Question

Configuring Storage - Amazon S3 Bucket
Last Updated 3 years ago

Status of this KB article:  Draft - Still needs information in Step #3

Summary of Prerequisites

The following are the prerequisites for configuring the Netarus Capture application to store data into a Netarus approved Amazon S3 bucket for analysis.

  1. Contact NetarusOpen a support ticket with Netarus referencing your AWS account email address and company name.
  2. Configure Amazon S3 Bucket inside of Capture - From the Capture Android Application with the following information:
    1. Bucket name (obtained from Netarus)
    2. Region (obtained from Netarus)
    3. Amazon resource name (ARN) (obtained from Netarus)
    4. Access Key (obtained from AWS)
    5. Private Key (obtained from AWS)

Step #1: Contact Netarus via Support Ticket

  1. If you have not already done so, please login to verify your email address used to access the AWS console at
  2. Open a support ticket with Netarus.  Provide the following information in the support ticket:
    1. Fill in your contact information in the first couple of fields
    2. Issue summary:  AWS Access for Capture
    3. Issue details: Your email and company name
  3. When ready, hit submit to generate the support ticket.
  4. You should receive an email confirmation with the support ticket.  Please allow 1 to 2 business days for Netarus to setup your Amazon S3 bucket for storage.

Step #2: Configure Amazon S3 Bucket on Capture Android Application

IMPORTANT: If you have not already done so, make sure to open a support ticket with Netarus and provide them with your Amazon AWS user as referenced in Step #2 above. 

  1. Open the Capture Android application.
  2. Click on the 'gear' or menu to go into 'Settings'
  3. Choose 'AWS S3' option
  4. Enter the following information (obtained from Netarus Support):
    1. Bucket name (obtained from Netarus)
    2. Region (obtained from Netarus)
    3. Amazon resource name (ARN) (obtained from Netarus)
    4. Access Key (obtained from AWS)
    5. Private Key (obtained from AWS)

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